Home Forums Outings & Events WARNHAM LOCAL NATURE RESERVE 3 August 2023

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    David Beard

    Franke Edwards, Wally Conquy and I visited Warnham Local Nature Reserve on Thursday 3rd August.

    It was a pleasant day and we had a long walk around the reserve before settling into a wait for Kingfishers in the Heron Hide.  Frank managed to capture a kf but because of the distance from the hide (it was on the over side of the lake) it wasn’t a perfect picture; Wally and I failed to see it let alone photograph it!

    I did manage some image of other birds, etc but after post-processing I only had four which might see the light again.

    Marsh Frog

    David Beard


    David Beard

    Great Egret


    It was indeed a pleasant day, it was good to be out walking in very well planned out environment, what struck me most was the peaceful atmosphere. We were blessed with good weather and good company, the photography was a bonus! It was a shame the onsite cafe did not offer anything  other than tea, coffee, cakes and crisps! Note for any future visits pack sandwiches .

    I managed to take 249 images, I haven’t review them yet, I uploaded them to my PC on Sat and will probably get around to them sometime this week. Apart from the images I also took home several insect bites another note to self pack bug repellent! I was excited at the Kingfisher sighting, it’s the first one I have seen through my lens. I don’t think that he was any good at fishing of the 4 attempts/dives, not one produced a catch! Looking on the images on the camera, like the Kingfisher I had failed to0 catch an image, a 1000mm lens would not have gone amiss!

    Your Egret in flight was well caught (well done), I didn’t see it until it was in the air and on its way so I just got the back of it! I’ll add mine here once I have processed them.

    David Beard

    I got several pictures of the egret on this occasion; this was the last of the batch and by far the best of the whole shoot.  The frog came a close second together with two cormorants.  It’ll be worth a return visit – I’ll use my extender next time.  Snd take sandwiches!


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