Home Forums Outings & Events Battersea Photowalk – Sunday 26th February

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    David Newman

    I’m taking a tripod and the only lenses I have otherwise any night shots I take will be awful!


    See you all at Battersea Park Stn at about 3:30.


    Thank you Paul for organising a great afternoon/evening.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it and the company of nine.

    Best wishes

    Tina x

    Paul Heester

    You’re welcome Tina. I hope everyone enjoyed the day and maybe came away with a few images they liked. I notice that Keith has already shared some of his here – https://www.croydoncameraclub.org.uk/forums/topic/battersea-trip/ so lets use that post to add our favourite images as well.

    David Newman

    Yes Paul, I wholeheartedly echo Tina’s comments.  Thank you for organising this event.

    It was a really enjoyable and productive afternoon, with quite a few more members joining us than I was expecting, which made it even more worthwhile and sociable.

    Well done for suggesting the Power Station area as worth visiting.



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