Home Forums Outings & Events BUSHY PARK 9 October 2023

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    David Beard

    Frank Edwards organised a trip to Bushy Park on Monday 9th October.  As well as Frank there was Wally Conquy, Jeff Winchurch, Iggy Tavares and myself.  We met at East Croydon (except Iggy who met us at Clapham Junction) and made our was to Hampton Wick by train.  The Hampton Wick entrance to Bushy is only a short walk away.

    The day started out bright and remained so all day although the sun was low in the sky.  The stags were doing their thing (as is their want at this time of the year) and a number did not disappoint with clashes and disappointment for the loosers.  There weren’t many birds around – a number of Grey Heron’s were scattered about the place and at least one Kestrel was seen but high up in a tree.

    We finished walking about 8½ miles – I’m still recovering from the aches and pains!

    I call this image “The Three Amigo’s”.  Iggy was with me so he missed out!

    "The Three Amigo's"

    • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by David Beard.
    David Beard

    Kestrel – high, high up in a tree.  If I’d cropped any further it wouldn’t be as clear as this.


    David Beard

    Just one of many confrontations witnessed.  The chap in the water won this round.


    David Beard

    One of several Grey Heron’s looking for dinner!

    Grey Heron


    The most challenging aspect of the shoot was the very bright day, while this help allowing high shutter speed. The contrast between shadow and highlights was very high, the only saving grace was the sun is lower in the sky this time of year. This one is an extreme case of decimated highlight detail.Locked

    Anyone have any idea what this stag is doing! Face wash?


    A kestrel for a knave



    The Stag after seeing off a challenger

    To The Victor...

    Grey Heron


    When you haven’t got your wide angle lens, what do you do!

    The Shooters

    David Beard

    Nice ones, Frank.  I only managed the back of the head of the Kestrel!

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