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    Paul Heester

    In part due to Laura Barsi’s invite to a Flickr group and to spur me to use my camera more (it wasnt used for over a month) I have decided to undertake a 52 Week Project in 2024.

    Its been 10 years since I did the last one so feel its time again to go for it. The old album can be found here – https://www.flickr.com/photos/8182614@N08/albums/72157632690537941/

    And the first shot (taken at work after seeing this interesting plant) is below:

    Flaming Flower - Week 01/52

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Paul Heester.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Paul Heester.
    Paul Heester

    Week 02/52 – Decided for a self portrait this week. Two strobes with gels on (free from Lee Filters) using the popular orange/teal combo and used my reflector for some background detail.

    Self portrait - Week 02/52

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Paul Heester.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Paul Heester.
    Bett Atherton

    Well done Paul brilliant start. I’m gonna try and do something other than wildlife but I find it hard to break away

    Paul Heester

    There’s no issue focusing on a wildlife-only 52 week project though? Im more of a jack-of-all-trades tog so mine are totally random.

    Paul Heester

    Week 03-52 – 3 Donuts. The lowest donut was propped up with a cocktail stick. The other two are held up with kebab skewers which I then removed. Had a softbox to the right and a speedlight to the rear left. Finished by sprinkling sugar which I added in on separate layers.

    3 Donuts - Week 03/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 04/52 – Went to Canary Wharf to enjoy the Winter Lights festival. Took lots of shots so decided on a triptych to show some of the items on display. Well worth a visit!

    Canary Wharf Winter Lights - Week 04/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 05/52 – Went for a surreal image this week using fruit and tieing them together like balloons. Had to ensure there was a reflector on the floor to bouce light back up to hit the “top” of the fruits. Interesting challenge to think upside down. Also flipped the bow as well to maintain the illusion.

    Fruit Baloons - Week 05/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 06/52 – With a recent feline addition I went for a family portrait this week. Used a softbox behind and just in front of each portrait to let light fall on nearside of face.

    The Family - Week 06/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 07/52 – Great opportunity to capture crocuses this week. Even better that they are in our garden so could pick the brief moment the sun was out to capture them open!

    Crocus Pair

    Bett Atherton

    Lovely photo Paul

    Paul Heester

    Week 08/52 – Went to a farm shop and bought these carrots with their stems still on. So decided to try to arrange them in a pleasing format and went for a square crop.

    Carrot Top - Week 08/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 09/52 – Had a fun evening creating different spirographs from a dangled light on string. Added a few coloured gels and used an LED ring light in the center exposed for a few seconds. No Photoshop trickery needed! I would thoroughly recommend trying this technique, its lots of fun

    Spirograph Nebula - Week 09/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 10/52 – Below is the result of 12 images focus-stacked using my 105mm Sigma macro lens. This was partly made possible by Frank’s demonstration of his “Helping Hands Soldering Station” at our macro evening. I was so impressed by it that I got one myself! It really helps with arranging macro shots and I will likely use it again later in the project.

    Eye of the Needle - Week 10/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 11/52 – An enjoyable weekend spent visiting Port Lympne & Howletts wild animal parks. This image was taken at Howletts with an African Elephant touching his eye with another elephant in the background.

    Elephant Trunk - Week 11/52

    Paul Heester

    Week 12/52 – Using my Pixel phone I took numerous shots all from slightly different angles for a multiple exposure of a local tree with its apple blossom.


    Blossom - Week 12/52

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