Home Forums Photo Sharing Retro Rob


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    Paul and Emmanuel, thank you for organising last nights shoot with Retro Rob. This is the first time of meeting him and was certainly impressed with his professionalism and friendly nature. His wardrobe is great and he needs very little direction, as he is well rehearsed.

    These are unedited photo’s from last night, I have included the whole image for context and a crop of the same image for detail.

    The very first shot I took of Rob, using just the ambient available light, the second is selected at random from the middle of the images shot, and the third set is the last image of the shoot, this one taken using just the ambient available light.

    Retro Rob -Fuul

    ISO 100, 1/6s, f2.8 – 90mm

    ISO 100, 1/6s, f2.8 – 90mm


    ISO 100, 1/125s, f4.0 – 90mm

    ISO 100, 1/125s, f4.0 – 90mm

    ISO 500, 1/80s, f2.8 – 90mm

    ISO 500, 1/80s, f2.8 – 90mm

    Paul Heester

    Yes he is a great model and glad you got some usable shots out of the night. I particularly like your Jimi Hendrix images. Thanks once again to Emmanuel for the lighting and backdrop.

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